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  • Writer's pictureNine A.M.

Let's Go B.A.R Hopping

Updated: Dec 4, 2018

A while back, when I graduated from college, I was fortunate enough to get a job right away. My friends from high school, who are still my friends today, were not as fortunate. Although I was in Miami, FL and they were all spread out in Southern California, the job hunt should not have been any worse than mine. My friends graduated with double majors with a lot of internship and volunteer work during their four years in college. Even with extensive backgrounds, they still could not find a job. The most expensive piece of paper in our lives was not the ticket we hoped would land us that dream job. Many of us were stuck in the search. During this time, I remember talking to them on Facebook during our weekly update chats and hearing their constant frustrations in finding a job. It was not that they were not trying, or that they were not qualified, or that they did not have a top-notch resume. They would be on the computer daily, researching, and applying. I remember after months of always trying to help them find ways or resources to help them, there was a point where they wanted to give up. They felt frustrated and took it personally. For some, it took almost a year to land an interview and/or even a job. Eventually, we all got jobs.

I came across this Forbes article one morning, "Millennials Aren't Afraid to Change Jobs, and Here's Why."

It has been five years since we have all graduated college and we are all in different points in our lives. We are different people as well. Whatever career path we took, whether we have stayed within that job we got after college, switched companies or even shifted industries, we are all working professionals. We have evolved in our industry and have gotten a sense of insight into the real world. We all have one thing in common (besides our student loans). We are all not fully content in our current employment status. Whether we are job hopping, looking for a new job or just feeling stuck, all of us are tired. What is missing?

For me, I always seek an opportunity where I can grow. I want to be challenged and inspired. Most importantly, I want to be in an environment where I am surrounded in with likeminded individuals. I will never accept a job where the company culture will affect my health, regardless of the paycheck they are giving me. I have declined jobs before knowing that their company culture will not benefit me, nor will there be room for growth. I know many people that are stuck in a job that no longer serves a purpose. They roll out of bed and show up and wait for the end of the day. Or, they could be stuck in an environment that has changed within the past year into a toxic atmosphere where it is affecting their health. A college friend of mine is looking for a new job and a better paycheck. Another is looking for a new position in order to have one job instead of two! Whatever reasonings you have, or wherever you are in life, remember one thing: Go B.A.R. Hopping. Although a martini or two after work may help after a frustrating day, I would suggest to PAUSE and remember to "hop" around certain ideas and questions. The most important topic that your brain should hop around is: "How can you Be A Resource (B.A.R)?"

Despite the atmosphere, the paycheck, the commute, or sacrificing a work-life balance for that promotion, ask yourself if YOU are a resource to others and if your current job is a resource for YOU. Don't be afraid to job hop because you are no longer growing in your current position. But DO NOT job hop every 3-6 months though. That is a red flag for any hiring manager! After a few years within your position finding there is no room for growth, then B.A.R. Hop. Hop around with different ideas, career paths, positions, and personal goals to see if you are in the position to look for a new career opportunity.

Here are some important questions to ask yourself when you B.A.R Hop:

1. What was your intent when you applied and started this position?

2. Do you still have the same intent for staying?

3. Does your current position and company, still serve its purpose? For example, you started as a career advisor as you love advising students. With new technology and an overwhelming increase of student enrollment in the past few years, the department has shifted your role into reading and sorting through admission applications. This provides you only two days a week for students to get their resources and network Are you happy with that change?

4. Is your job a resource to YOU? Are there opportunities available to grow?

5. Are you still a valuable resource to your team contributing new ideas? Are you still relevant to your company/team? Is your position growing in the right direction? Or are you no longer inspired?

Most us are at a point in our lives where we are B.A.R Hopping. My friends and I are at the point where we are questioning our current career statuses. Five years after graduation is the perfect time to evaluate your career goals as you evolve personally and professionally to avoid being stuck in a job that you absolutely hate. The best part of this version of "B.A.R hopping" is that you do not need a designated driver or to book an Uber to get you back home. You are the driver to your destination. Take the long route, the view is worthwhile.

It's 9 am. Let's Go B.A.R Hopping. They always say, it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Cheers.

To keep in touch with Lucy or to read more blog posts and articles, visit and connect with her on LinkedIn.

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